Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'll Be Real With You

250 movies in 250 days.

That's a tall order for anyone, and certainly for a full-time college student who tries to hit the gym on a regular basis and with extracurricular activities out the wazoo. Right now, 150 movies into the blog and 184 days in. There's no way I'm making up those 34 days with 34 double posts, so just forget about that. Getting through the last 100 posts – that I still plan to do. Will it be in 100 days? Almost definitely not. I'm taking 18 credit hours (a lot, for me, anyway) in addition to being co-editor of the entertainment section of my college newspaper, and yes, trying to fulfill a healthy-lifestyle-based New Year's resolution. My only goal is to do the last 100 posts by the time I fly out for London for a summer of work and studying – by my estimation, that'll be May 7th. 124 days, 100 movies. Slightly less ambitious, though rather ambitious nonetheless. I may have to do some multi-movie posts, but I think I'll get it done.

Thanks for bearing with me as I set out to ruin movies for myself, and keep on keepin' on.

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